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Bill.clinton Saying Make America Great Again

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your life too if you're struggling in whatever way. take a great weekend. welcome to "hannity." donald trump caps off another very skillful week on the campaign trail with a rally in the fundamental swing state of florida. here are some of those highlights. >> there are thousands of people exterior that can't become in. fantastic. fashion to become. thank you. thanks, everybody. it is so peachy to be dorsum in florida, my second domicile. you know it'southward my second domicile. thanks. thousands of people outside cannot get in. this is what's happening. it's a movement like they have never seen earlier.

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decades of political failure and corruption will come swiftly to an end, and a new american future will brainstorm november 8th. the citizens of this country will be in accuse over again, and information technology'south near time. the special interests have had their solar day. that affiliate in our history is closing. nosotros're going to bring dorsum victory. we're going to bring back common sense. nosotros're going to bring backsometh not had in a long, long time. we're going to start winning again. the history book is closing on the failed politicians of yesterday. a new chapter is beginning, and

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this chapter will be authored by you, the american people. non me, you. this will be your time. you will be running the show. this is a movement like they've never seen. the show is starting time. hillary clinton -- and you tin encounter that from those eastward-mails. [ audition booing ] is a very dishonest candidate of the past. ours is the entrada of the future. in this hereafter, nosotros're going to pursue new merchandise policies that put american workers first, and nosotros're going to keep our jobs in our state. we're not going to let them have our jobs anymore, folks.

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we're not going to let it happen. information technology's been happening long enough. and the reason they don't do anything most it is considering the special interests and the donors command our politicians, and they command hillary clinton. and it's never, ever going to happen. take a look at new york land. when she was the senator from new york state, she campaigned by maxim that she was going to bring jobs back to new york country. new york state is a disaster. >> likewise this week after whining most how the media is covering her campaign, hillary clinton actually held a press conference afterward, what, 280 days. accept a look. >> no conversation almost our national security would be complete unless we admit that the nominee on the other side promises to practice things that will brand u.s. less safety. every day that goes by, this

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just becomes more than and more of a reality television show. it's not -- it's not a serious presidential campaign. >> here with reaction, trump entrada senior counselor a.j. delgado, fox news contributor mercedes schlapp, and foreign clinton pollster doug schoen. a.j., i outset with you lot. it'due south interesting to watch that later on donald trump goes to billy rouge and after donald trump has a pretty successful meeting with the mexican president and after he has a expert value voters summit and later he also has a great town hall, it looks like hillary clinton tin can't hide whatsoever longer. donald trump is looking pretty presidential and a lot more than energetic. >> absolutely. yous know what i find remarkable about that prune is she calls him reckless and dangerous. sean, can we take a expect at her foreign policy for a minute? 4 prongs here. iraq, hillary was in favor of it. donald trump was against it. cheque the neil cavuto interview from two months before the state of war. syria, she wants to establish a

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no-wing zone there. the russians are already flying there, so that means armed forces conflict, potential war with russia. libya, she involved us in that, taking downwardly gaddafi. donald trump at the time was critical of it. russian federation. while trump is trying to be and very much so presidential, diplomatic in extending the manus of not necessarily friendship, but engagement with a dialogue with russian federation, only like ronald reagan did, these should be our allies in fighting isis. she wants us to have conflict with russia. four reckless and dangerous positions on strange policy. >> oh, sorry, i fabricated a mistake. i sent yous to republic of iraq. oops. we got to larn from it. five,000 dead americans. we got to larn from it, and nobody died in libya. we got to learn from that too. allow'due south look at some of the poll numbers. trump has had a expert calendar month at present. here's some interesting polling numbers, doug shown. if you look among hispanics, african-americans, look at

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trump's number. 19%, the black community. he's doing outreach in detroit. i thought his voice communication one of the best he e'er gave. the hispanic number, it'south very strong. >> yeah. >> if he gets up to the 90% number, 92% with republicans and he holds these numbers, he'south the next president. >> that is true. the reason hillary went out today -- and i thought she did a skillful job today. she made it clear she disagrees with trump about putin. but the reason she's out is because she is sinking in the polls. i put that in my "wall street periodical" article. it's a fact. she has to go out. she can't hide. she started today. a practiced first footstep, only, sean, this is a very close ballot. >> two press conferences in a week. i mentioned the one earlier this week. now i mentioned the one today. she'due south not exactly getting difficult hitting questions. we can expect quinnipiac. information technology's 47-47 in florida. no big surprise. in one poll, in the quinnipiac grand p poll, she'south up 47 perfect 43.

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46-45 trump in ohio. expect, it's a five-point race in pennsylvania. five-point race in michigan. three-point race in wisconsin. hillary has got a lot of defending to do here and more options seem to be opening up for trump in terms of the balloter map if this continues, mercedes. >> well, you know, again trump has been viewed equally the underdog, correct, sean? then then what has hillary washed? hillary has spent her time on merely a 1 focus strategy, which is that saying trump is dangerous. that's not enough because what's happening is trump is existence very proactive. i hateful just this week they outlined two separate messages. beginning of the week, it was national security, america start, peace through strength where you would have limited military engagement as well as a strong military. that'due south a potent message. then at the stop of the calendar week, what was he talking most, schoolhouse choice. something that'south a kitchen table consequence. it draws in non only african-americans that would be interested in this issue, hispanics, but besides women, which nosotros saw in the last cnn poll that with married women, he's actually doing meliorate than hillary clinton.

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he's up 54%. >> she's got i upstanding issue after another. clinton foundation selling admission, selling her soul. she'south got this whole upshot with electronic mail that does not go away. east-mail might be the very reason she loses. merely there's some other reason. she's non extremely principled. listen to hillary flip-flopping on issues like clearing, and and so i'll play her flip-flopping the sunday after ix/xi. it's the 15th anniversary this sunday. the dominicus after 9/xi, she was for racial profiling. so let'due south show hillary clinton in all of her flipping, flopping, flailing. she'southward like john kerry voting for the $87 billion and then voting against it. sentry this. >> i practise not think that information technology is either appropriate to give a commuter'southward license to someone who is here undocumented. >> in 2007, you opposed giving driver'south licenses to undocumented people. why? >> well, dorsum then, it was a state-by-state determination, and i'm happy that most states have understood and moved in the right management. >> are you going to crack downward

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on the sanctuary states? >> no, i'm not, and i'll tell y'all why. i'm non. i'm not because the reason style a lot of those folks do it in new york -- why practice constabulary officers plough a blind eye? >> because they desire them to written report crimes. >> they want them to study crimes. >> the city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported. so i have absolutely no support for a urban center that ignores the strong evidence that should be acted on. >> i voted numerous times when i was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to preclude illegal immigrants from coming in. >> you want a wall, then? >> no. nosotros've -- >> you said that. >> well, i voted for border security, and some of information technology was a argue. i don't recollect we ever called information technology a wall. >> would illegal immigrants be covered under your plan? >> illegal immigrants would non be covered, no. they would not be covered. i want to open up the

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opportunity for immigrants to be able to purchase in to the exchanges under the affordable care act. >> everyone recognizes we have to tighten security. nosotros have to practise whatever it takes to continue our people safety. >> including profiling, senator? >> well, i think we have to do any information technology takes, sam. and i believe that, you know, tuesday inverse everything. tuesday was a day that america has never, ever had to experience. and i hope to heaven that nosotros never have to again. but we are in a war state of affairs, and we're going to accept to do things that people do in times of war. >> she was wrong. she admitted it. let'southward go through this. she admitted this calendar week her vote to send kids to iraq was wrong. they died considering of her decision. now she was for profiling, doug. she was for driver'south licenses earlier she was confronting commuter's licenses, for snks cities, against sanctuary cities. for the wall, against the wall. coverage for health care for

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illegals, confronting coverage for health intendance. >> right. >> and so she said, i won't use the give-and-take illegal immigrants even though she's used the word illegal immigrants. does she have whatever core at all or is information technology all political expediency? is at that place a core? >> i think what we're seeing is she is playing politics at present because she -- >> she doesn't have a core. >> she has 3 states that thing. that's what matters to her. that'south her core. wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. she is going to run a tough negative entrada on trump because -- >> trump's a racist, sexist -- >> i don't think he'southward a racist. >> no, she's going to say information technology. her entrada already is. >> a clear world view that is malleable. >> then basically she has no core, a.j. she has no core. >> malleable? is that the discussion, doug? >> malleable. >> how is that even the same person? you spotter that clip. by the way, she'southward lying. i heard her say i talked about a fence. i never mentioned a wall. that's a lie. look information technology upwards, 2006. she literally said the word

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wall, that a wall in some places would be advisable. she's non only a flip-flopper, she lies most the flip-flopping. this is insane. how is she even qualified to run? this shouldn't be allowed. >> mercedes, yous're going to get the last discussion here. >> at that place'south a phrase in spanish that a.j. volition understand. [ speaking spanish ] enough already. for hillary clinton, it's all about political convenience. the same way it was convenient for her to utilize 15,000 blackberries and ipads that were destroyed past a hammer. let's go real people. >> don't forget bleachbit. that's very of import. >> $2 billion from the clintons to brand this all become away. >> you hateful like with a cloth? no. they used bleachbit and then that god couldn't read it and jesus couldn't read it. expert to see yous all. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, donald trump on message attacking hillary clinton with polls for the race for the white house at present tightening. rnc chairman reince priebus is here with reaction. too later this night.

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>> that bulletin, i'll give you, america great once more, if y'all're a white southerner, you know exactly what it means, don't you. >> bill clinton's suggesting that trump's slogan, make america great again, is racist. one problem. he used the phrase over and over over again. is he calling himself a racist? all of that, and role player john voight will join us as we keep on this busy friday on "hannity."

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the politics of people like hillary clinton have produced only poverty, joblessness, and ascension crime. hillary clinton opposes schoolhouse

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pick because she is controlled totally -- totally, like a boob -- by special interests. it was the failed policies, you have to remember, of hillary clinton and obama that unleashed isis in the first place. unfortunately for our country, our enemies probably hacked into hillary clinton's e-mails. these are the same e-mails she destroyed after receiving a federal subpoena. >> donald trump going after his democratic rival on multiple issues at the values voters summit in washington, d.c. now, this tops off what has been nonetheless another very bad calendar week for hillary clinton later groovy under the pressure of some tough but off-white questions during nbc's commander in chief forum. clinton is now changing her strategy. she's actually now talking to the printing for the first time in 280 days. pretty amazing. here now with reaction, rnc chairman reince priebus. i'chiliad looking at polls. neck and neck in most of the

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swing states. y'all look at the breakdown, y'all run across donald trump is doing better among blackness americans than the last 8 republican presidential candidates. among independents, burdensome hillary clinton. hispanics, he's doing very well. y'all know where he'southward doing poorly? with the republicans. he's getting well-nigh 73, 74, or 75% of republicans. he needs 90%. now, you've got opposition from "wall street journal," nro, jonah goldberg, the glenn becks of the earth, the mitt romney squad in total, and some four presidential candidates that signed a pledge for you -- kasich, bush, lindsey graham and ted cruz. i'm a little pissed off at all these people considering they're helping hillary. are you mad? >> well, yeah, of course. i hateful they're absolutely helping hillary. if you're not voting for donald trump, you're basically voting for hillary clinton. look, you're right. information technology was a pledge, and information technology wasn't simply a pledge. in some cases, information technology was a data

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exchange agreement where the candidates received valuable data and data in exchange for that information they agreed to support the nominee, whomever he or she was. so i recollect they should honor the pledges, and i think that our country chairman and our committee people on the committee are going to review this situation, and there may be consequences in the future. only, wait, i saw some polling that should give you a much better feeling most this. this cnn poll came out this calendar week, had a much higher percentage of republican support for donald trump. >> what was the percentage of that poll? i don't retrieve. >> information technology was in the loftier 80s. >> he needs 92. if he gets to 92 -- >> i think past the time we get to november, sean, i think he'south going to get there, specially if he continues down this path that he's on. i think everybody is very pleased with what he'due south been doing. >> baton rouge, mexico. i thought his speech in detroit was strong. value voters tiptop today. >> i recollect he did very well --

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he did very well in the forum the other mean solar day, the military forum. he won hands. he did a slap-up job. hillary clinton was very, very defensive, and she was upset considering she couldn't believe that she -- >> you know when the liberals in the media are diggings poor matt lauer. i'm not a fan of lauer'south -- >> that was hillary clinton's entrada. the reason she was and so fiery, it wasn't because they were serious bug like she claims. they were serious problems, but she was beyond upset because she couldn't believe that she had to stand there for 11 minutes and answer questions about something she did to herself. and when that air force corpsman stood upward and said i would be in prison if i did what you did, her team and her surrogates went after matt lauer and nbc all night and the next day. y'all know, expect, this is what republicans -- >> let me ask you this. >> we bargain with a double standard every single day of our

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lives in the media. this wasn't a double standard. she had what she had coming, and she's going to reply more tough questions like that in the futurity. >> how could matt lauer not inquire nigh the due east-mails? i mean it'southward ridiculous. she's been ducking and dodging and hiding, you know, more than than anybody. reince, good to see you lot. >> y'all bet. >> lx days to become. no pressure level on you. you better do your job. thank you. coming upwards tonight on "hannity." >> that bulletin, i'll give you america great again, is if you lot're a white southerner, you lot know exactly what information technology means, don't yous? >> bill clinton playing the race bill of fare, insinuating donald trump'due south entrada slogan is racist. well, sad, bill, but we have video of you using the verbal same phrase over and over and over and over once more. plus chelsea clinton calls out donald trump'southward rhetoric, saying he's misogynistic and sexist. chelsea, you actually desire to become there? we got a lot to say well-nigh your begetter. okay. you open up the fence. we'll do information technology. plus hollywood a-lister jon

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voight introduced donald trump at the value voters meridian. he'll joi

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i'm actually former enough to recall the aureate ood old 24-hour interval a they weren't all that good in many means. that message, i'll requite you lot america great again, is if you lot're a white southerner, you know exactly what information technology means, don't you? what it means is, i give you an economic system you had 50 years agone, and i'll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down. what hillary wants to do is take the totem pole down and permit us all go frontward together. >> that was erstwhile president bill clinton earlier this calendar week implying that donald trump's slogan make america not bad again is racist. information technology'south funny that bill thinks that because it's a phrase that he used years ago over and over and over. i used it over and over over again in

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front end of all those hot chicks on the campaign trail. take a look. >> i believe that together we can brand america great again. i desire to attack these problems and brand america corking again. >> paid for by clinton for president. >> and now yous are beingness called upon, every 1 of y'all, to secure a better future for your children and your grandchildren and to brand america great again economically, educationally and socially. >> it's time for another comeback. time to make america swell again. i know hillary'southward the 1 that can do it. >> paid for by hillary clinton for president. >> i'm hillary clinton, candidate for president, and i approve this message. >> all right. joining us at present with reaction, ceo for the national diversity coalition for donald trump, reverend darrell scott. joe consha. deneen borelli. pastor scott, by bill clinton's own definition, he'southward a racist. >> aye. i mean, y'all know, here's slick willy. he's the pot calling the kettle black. this is the same guy that

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belonged to two white-just land club in the '90s. the same guy who fought to rez tan the amalgamated flag. lookout this. by his own definition, he's a racist. this is a guy that doesn't know what the definition of sex is. i didn't have sexual activity with that woman. >> the reality is he said white southerners know. so he used a phrase that white southerners knew dorsum when he was running. here'due south what gets interesting deneen is j. william fulbright bill clinton cites as his mentor. hillary clinton's mentor is a guy by the proper name of robert ku klux klan byrd. her mentor. >> it's interesting that nib clinton is using this language to justify robert byrd being a klansman. but, listen, the clinton campaign is getting very desperate right at present. they're going to play every card they possibly tin, the race carte, the woman card, the

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russian card. they are concerned that donald trump'southward bulletin is resonating with black voters. his message of empowerment, school choice, pro-energy, pro-economic policies, they are concerned about that. and someday they play the race card, it's a sign of desperation. >> i concur with y'all. joe, this is a certain timing to all of this. let me play chelsea clinton talking about donald trump beingness a misogynist and a sexist. i'm similar, chielsea, your dad, yu want to go in that location? okay. let'due south play the game. >> what's your response to donald trump proverb your mom does non await presidential? >> where to brainstorm? or mayhap i would hope that everyone could run into that as sad, misogynistic, sexist rhetoric that i hope we take moved beyond in the 21st century. >> timing is interesting to me. i want to get your ascertainment on this, joe. the timing is that hillary clinton, under fire. clinton foundation, 55%, the a.p. reports of those meetings

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that she had with individuals are either donors or people pledging money. now nosotros've got hillary under fire all calendar week. more email issues, one after some other. you got chelsea playing the sex card, the gender card. and you lot got bill playing the race bill of fare. is this a coincidence, or is this designed to diversity attending? >> i think nosotros're running out of kashds at this point. how many cards can you play? the lesser line is that the clintons led past -- or hillary clinton past eight points in the real clear politics average merely 4 weeks agone. donald trump has won every calendar week since and so, and now it's a virtual expressionless heat and the swing states are going in that direction too. i don't recall information technology's whatever co-ence dense, sean, that these cards are being played when hillary clinton has lost momentum clearly. and used the sexist card. they used it against matt lauer as well. they said he kept interrupting hillary on wed because she was fill bustering. >> if you wait closely, donald trump was interrupted more agreszively 13 times.

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hillary merely six or seven times. >> and donald trump got more questions. the whole thing about bill clinton saying make america keen once again. somebody else used it as well, ronald reagan also. >> show the poster. >> go to the google machine and you tin can run across, reagan, make america keen once again. >> by the mode, he did make america great once again. he succeeded. >> sean, bill clinton is mocking people in coal state, kentucky and w virginia but because they're not in line with the progressive policies. so nib clinton has no use for them, and he's mocking these people. it's unbelievable. >> guys, adept to see you all. thank y'all for existence with united states. coming upwardly, donald trump addressed the values voters height. jon voight introduced donald trump. later, sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist set on. take we gone back to a pre 9/11nd mind set? nosotros'll get to that with dr. sebastian gorka and much more than tonight hither on "hannity."

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welcome back to "hannity." donald trump spoke to conservatives at the value voters tiptop in washington, d.c. this week. here are some of the highlights. >> our media civilisation often mocks and demeans people of religion, and you sympathise that. your values of love, charity, and faith built this nation. our politicians have really abandoned y'all to a big extent. then let me country this right up forepart. a trump administration, our christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you lot've never seen before. >> joining us now, legendary hollywood actor jon voight. he introduced donald trump at the summit today. a proficient friend of mine, and i'one thousand also a fan of his. how are yous, sir?

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good to come across you, my friend. >> i'm smashing, sean. it'due south expert to be with you. >> you know, what he said today, i really take been critical of obama, who is unwilling to say the words radical islam. >> yes, of course. >> but worse than that, he has said the terrible deeds done in the same of christ and talked nearly the crusades, and i listened to donald trump there, and he said, yes, christians have been mocked and demeaned. and those qualities of dear, charity, and faith, they did build this nation. obama doesn't seem to want to say those things, to me. >> yep. well, i think he's got other agendas, of class. just the people, you know, the christian people throughout the globe have been attacked, and nosotros've been attacked right hither in this land in many ways. and so the reception for donald trump here has been quite extraordinary. >> you know -- >> and his oral communication was wonderful. past the style, yous know, his spoken communication was wonderful. i wish that people could listen to the whole speech. information technology was quite an boggling

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voice communication, and people were continuing throughout the entire speech here. >> yes, we actually ran it on fox earlier today. i know it's on if people haven't seen information technology. they have an opportunity to run into it. y'all were very outspoken early on, and yous said that you lot believe that donald trump would be a very good president. i agree with you. >> yeah. >> and at that place are some republicans that seem to be putting their heads in the sand and not comparing trump'southward position on supreme court justices and his position on vetting refugees and securing our borders and eliminating obamacare and free energy independence and education dorsum to the states. why do you lot call back in that location's this mysterious reluctance among some, quote, the intelligentsia as they consider themselves in the republican party? >> well, you lot know, there's a lot of practiced people among them. when people start -- early when he had a little bit of a roughness about his speech and stuff and he's not too polish, he's not slick, merely he's

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completely honest. merely early on they chose other people, and they built their own arguments against donald trump. and they were so in dearest with theiments, they couldn't permit them get, and they nonetheless concur on to them a trivial bit sometimes. but i remember coming toward this ballot, they're going to realize the stakes, and you echo them every night to people. you make that listing of the important things that they should be thinking nearly. and i think there's going to be a unity coming on november eighth. >> yeah, i hope so. you know, yous're one of hollywood's biggest actors. ane of my favorite agentors even before i knew you. you have no fright at all. you've never had any fear expressing your strongly and deeply held political behavior. have you paid a cost at all for that? >> well, yous know, you lot never know what goes on behind airtight doors. but i've been very fortunate to have, you know, roles offered me all through my career. i've been very, very lucky. and i think that in that location are

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more -- you know, there are more than conservatives in hollywood than 1 would think in all echelons, even among the actors. only they kind of keep their heads down a piffling fleck because there's an awful lot of real hatred coming from the left unfortunately, and they're very outspoken. so we have that piddling difficulty. but, look, i was on the left once, and i always call back, yous know, the problem is information. if they get some of the facts, peradventure they tin turn around. then i'm really always open to talk to anybody. >> aye. did yous get to spend fourth dimension with trump? is there a function of him that yous know that you want to share with people that maybe don't have the opportunity to see him behind the scenes every bit i do and every bit you lot do? >> i'll tell you one matter that i -- i but saw him just for a lilliputian bit. only, you know, he was very moved by the whole evening. and coming off the stage, he was very moved past it and very grateful to me. and, you know, he is very considerate.

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he's a very considerate guy. he goes to the guys who run the -- yous know, run the machinery for his -- you know, his teleprompter, and he always gives them a little pat and stuff like that, merely it'due south very sincere. he's got a lot of pity. he cares about people, and his speeches are starting to reflect that too. >> yes, and i've had the same experience. always says hi to my crew and the people that work with u.s.a. and the camera guys and the producers and directors. jon voight, it's been a while. good to run across yous. thanks for coming back. >> great, sean. god bless. >> joining u.s.a. now with reaction, the president of liberty university, jerry falwell, robert jeffers. dr. fall well, you said from day 1, we're non electing a pastor in master. we are electing a president of the the states, a commander in chief. that was a pretty connecting speech for people of faith today as i watched information technology. i that i call back your male parent would be proud of. >> very proud. i remember he hit all of the major

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issues that are important to people of organized religion, the johnson amendment. you know, that's very of import to us, to the academy where i work because and so many liberal universities, ivy league universities, left-wing ideology is then pervasive that they pretty much are democrat voter indoctrination camps. information technology was in the news today at a major university, the professor was using the email list of the school to promote hillary clinton, and you lot never see left-wing schools ever tagged by this johnson amendment. it's always bourgeois churches, conservative schools. in 2008, i endorsed mike huckabee personally, and americans united for separation of church and state filed a complaint confronting freedom university because i endorsed mike huckabee. and we had to go through all that process, and nosotros actually filed a complaint against them for violating their ain 501 c 3 status by just going after and

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filing complaints against conservative universities and churches. and and then they never bothered us again after that. but there'due south so many churches and schools, conservative schools that are -- it's a chilling effect on them. >> this is important, but i don't think almost people fifty-fifty know what yous're talking about with the johnson subpoena. why don't you explain what that is. >> it'southward a 1954 subpoena that was fastened to a bill in congress. it was signed by the president at the fourth dimension, and it basically said no nonprofit system, no academy, no church can endorse or oppose a candidate. and and so since that time, though, there'south only been complaints filed against conservative churches and schools. >> not liberal ones. >> never liberal ones. a former new york mayor bloomberg spoke at harvard in 2014 for their kickoff, and he chastised the ivy league because 96% of their faculty and staff donated to the obama

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administration. many of their speakers were disinvited because they were conservatives, and they were denied an honor rear degree similar the i you received at liberty once, sean. it's just very telling that this johnson amendment is simply used against conservatives. we're the only ones that feel intimidated. >> they should have freedom of speech similar everybody else. dr. jeffers, did donald trump brand inroads with the evangelical and religion community today? >> he certainly did, sean, because he spoke nearly the issue that not merely resonated today, but information technology'south resonating with evangelicals everywhere, and that'south the date of bourgeois supreme court justices. trump has made a commitment that he'southward going to appoint justices who interpret the constabulary using the constitution rather than political correctness as the standard. you lot know, sean, the issues many of united states evangelicals care about, religious freedom and the sanctity of life are to be determined past the farthermost courtroom. >> dr. jeffress, this volition

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impact this country for generations. that ane issue lonely ought to be a game-changer for anyone that says they are a conservative. >> allow me say i agree. i agree. and that'due south why i am getting ill and tired of these famby pamby weak kneed christians who say they're going to stay at home in november out of moral principle. will yous please tell me what moral principle there is in the universe that would allow a prohibition, anti-religious freedom candidate like hillary clinton to become the president? i believe any bourgeois christian who refuses to vote or throws away his vote in november is zilch merely a hypocrite and a fool. >> all right, guys. proficient to run into you both. appreciate your time. >> and, sean, the vouchers is very important. i was so glad to hear that he mentioned that because that'due south how the teachers unions and the autonomous party have kept minorities downward, kept them from getting the education they demand to succeed. if you bring jobs dorsum to the united states, you've got to

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reeducate the pop yew lass. >> we're destroying all of that god given talent with a horrible education organisation. coming up, while americans prepare to retrieve the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist assault, the threats posed by isis, radical islam is growing both here and abroad. dr. sebastian gorka is going to react to the question, accept nosotros gone back to a pre- nine/11 mentality? direct ahead.

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welcome dorsum to "hannity." . does this threat effectually the ghoeb and here in our homeland is growing according to the fbi, there are isis related cases now in all 50 states. and now, since 2014, over 105 people have been charged and seven have been convicted. in the aforementioned fourth dimension frame at that place accept been 30 isis-linked plots to assault this country. hither with reaction is dr. sebastian gorka.

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if we have a president and a presidential candidate that tin can't say radical islamic jihad and nosotros have germany and sweden and paris and all over the world, have we learned anything? do nosotros go back to the 9-eleven commission? >> you have to know yourself and the enemy. the pitiful fact is that americans are in greater danger hahn the twenty-four hours they were before september 11th, 2001. isis cases in every country. we've only arrested the 110th isis supporter in america, in roanoke, virginia. if you expect at the facts on the basis, it'southward the same everywhere. the nctc, the national counter

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terrorism center just briefed him and said in that location are isis affiliates today in 18 nations around the world. it'south now more than double that. the threat increased. >> let's say nosotros're correct. and i pray to owe god we're wrong, that we have a pre-9-11 listen set. let's say it's the aftermath and next commission comes together. are they going to talk about misidentifying fort food? overseas contingencies, piece of work identify violence, are they going to mention giving $150 billion to the number one country sponsor of terrorism? are they going to mention creating a vacuum for isis to emerge? are they going to mention those things? in other words can i write the story ahead of time that we set

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the phase for the next big attack? >> i recall that is just going to happen, nosotros're only going to grasp reality if we have men with a back bone, if we take leaders, men, women, politicians. considering it takes that to defeat your enemy. in earth war ii it was the same, under president reagan, under the common cold state of war, nosotros spoke truthfully well-nigh the enemy. nosotros called them evil and chosen them a threat. the jihadis are the same. >> radical islamic terrorism is evil in our time. isis is evil. why is it and then hard for them to say that? >> considering they don't believe in objective truth. they believe in all cultures equal except america which is worse than everything else, that is the thing.

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think the apology tour, right sf. >> good point. >> let'due south talk near terrible deeds in the same of christ. >> talking about when? >> crusades, christians fighting for lands taken past radical islamics of their team. >> nosotros're talking about people existence crucified, beheaded as we speak. >> yeah. and beheaded. >> and gays and lesbians beingness killed, christians and jews persecuted. coming up, a very of import question of the day, straight alee. if yous have medicare

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12:59 am

welcome dorsum to "hannity". time for the question of the twenty-four hour period. equally america back to a pre-9-11 mind ready. sadly, i hope i'thou expressionless incorrect. but i believe we accept. what do you call back? go to an twitter,

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let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left this weekend, for today, have a great weekend. 57 days, monday, until election day. buckle upward. it's going to be a great ride. we'll continue o'southward's'southward's's'due south's'. nosotros'll continue on mon. encounter you then. breaking this night, hillary clinton apologizes subsequently insulting trump voters on the campaign trail in new york city. hello, and welcome to justice, i'm judge jeanine pirro thanks for beingness with us this evening. so, i go on vacation. i come up back. and i have this open up all planned. and last night, hillary clinton says this -- >> you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right?


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