How Do You Get to Regirock in Pokemon Black 2
| Capturing Black 2 and White 2 LegendariesTable of ContentsIntroductionMany players, from the rookie Pokémon Trainer to the seasoned tournament competitor, have a soft spot for legendaries due to their powerful stats. However, catching legendaries is a daunting task due to their low catch rates and high starting levels and often results in frustration. Before you grab your in-game team and a pile of Ultra Balls, here are some tips on how to efficiently capture competitive legendaries. Capture RatePreparationsEach legendary is assigned a numerical catch rate, as are all wild Pokémon. Essentially, the higher the CatchRate, the higher the chance to capture. The CatchRate is plugged into a formula, which determines whether the Pokémon will be captured or not. While the actual in-game formula is quite complex, here is a simplified capture formula that produces nearly exact results. Note to always round down should you get a decimal. (( 1 + ( MaxHP * 3 - CurrentHP * 2 ) * GrassRate * CatchRate * BallRate * Status# * EntralinkRate) / ( MaxHP * 3 )) / 100 Top Poké Ball Rates:A Master Ball catches any wild Pokémon without fail. However, only two are easily attainable: the first is obtained through Professor Juniper in Mistralton City, while the second is received from Colress after defeating him again in the postgame. Additional Master Balls can be received from winning the number one prize in the Join Avenue Raffle Shop. Timer Balls begin at 1 and increase every by approximately .3 every turn, with a cap of 4, making them more effective than Dusk Balls by turn 10. Quick Balls begin at 4 and decrease to 1 after the first turn, making them circumstantial. All Balls not listed have a BallRate of 1 against the legendaries. Timer Balls are the preferred Balls, while a handful of Dusk Balls can be kept in reserve. GrassRate is only taken into account when battling in thick grass. Because no legendaries are battled in thick grass, this number will always be 1. Status Numbers:
As you can see, sleep is your best bet due to the lack of reliable freeze moves. You should never poison or burn the legend, as this sets a time limit on its lifespan. The CatchRate of all legendaries available in Black 2 and White 2 is 3, except for Reshiram and Zekrom, which have a CatchRate of 45. EntralinkRate is affected by various Entralink powers. This factor is normally 100; however, it is multiplied by 1.1 if Capture Power ↑ is active, multiplied by 1.2 if Capture Power ↑↑ is active, and multiplied by 1.3 if Capture Power ↑↑↑, Capture Power S, or Capture Power MAX is active. Sadly, these Entralink powers only last for three minutes, so they will probably have run out by the time a legendary is sufficiently weakened. Let's say we try catching a Level 5 max HP Lillipup with a Dusk Ball. Lillipup's Catch Rate is 255. It is encountered in normal grass, and no Entralink powers are active.
Any decimal numbers were not shown and simply rounded down. If the end result is over 1, you have a 100% chance to capture the Pokémon. However, due to varying IVs, it is difficult to know the maximum HP of the legendaries, let alone determine their current HP. The formula is simply here for reference and a little bit of insight on why certain Balls or status effects are used. Ball CapsulesJust as you wouldn't go into the woods without proper equipment, you can't expect to catch the legendary Pokémon of Unova without being prepared. You'll need to stock up on Poké Balls, as explained above; Timer and Dusk Balls are the most effective. These can be picked up at most late-game Pokémon Centers, and Dusk Balls are available before you fight your first legendary. You'll want to have at least 50 Timer Balls on you for each encounter, and there are 15 legendaries per game cartridge that can be captured. That totals 750 Timer Balls, and you'll probably want to have at least 50 Dusk Balls in reserve. Granted, it wouldn't be cost-effective to go out and buy 800 Poké Balls at once, so it is best to only carry around 100 Timer Balls and 50 Dusk Balls at one time. This is great if say, Cobalion is caught on the first Timer Ball thrown, whereas Terrakion takes 65 Balls. Ultra Balls can be substituted for Dusk Balls early in the battle if you don't want to wait for night or change the DS clock, as most legendaries in B2W2 are not found in caves or dark areas. There are six legendaries found in caves, where the Dusk Ball is at its maximum BallRate all the time; for the remaining legendaries, you will have to wait or set the time between 20:00-04:00. If you have the patience, you might want to catch your Pokémon in an aesthetically pleasing Poké Ball. For instance, a Virizion in a Nest Ball might be more appealing to a potential trader than one caught in a Timer or Dusk Ball. However, capturing legendaries will be even more frustrating if you use sub-optimal Balls, so the Balls listed above are your best bet. The SynchronizerAfter you buy the appropriate Balls, you'll want to get a Synchronizer. "What's a Synchronizer?", you ask. Well, when you have a Pokémon with the ability Synchronize in the first slot of your party, all wild Pokémon have a 50% chance of inheriting the nature of that Pokémon. An even better trait is that the Pokémon doesn't have to be alive for Synchronize to work its magic, so you can have a fainted Synchronizer at the head of your party and the effects remain intact. This way, you can have an increased chance of getting the nature you want, which is something you'll have to decide on your own; which nature to use is a trainer's personal preference. Refer to the analyses in the Smogon Dex for ideas if you're stuck. The list of all Pokémon that can have Synchronize is as follows: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Natu, Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir, Munna, Musharna, Elgyem, and Beheeyem. All Synchronizers besides Mew, Espeon, and Umbreon have two normal abilities, so you will have to be wary of any Synchronizer you catch in the wild. The Eeveelutions and the Elgyem line are the only Synchronizers that are normally obtainable during the storyline. Espeon and Umbreon are the first available Synchronizers, although Eevee rarely appears in the Castelia Park. Elgyem is the next available Synchronizer, commonly found at the top of the Celestial Tower. In the postgame, more options become available. Munna and Musharna are found in the Dreamyard. An Eevee and Ralts with their Hidden Abilities can be obtained through a gift and a trade, respectively, but they must be bred so that their evolutions have a chance of possessing Synchronize. Similarly, Abra, Ralts, and Natu are found in the Dream World with their Hidden Abilities, while Munna and Ralts can be transferred from Pokémon Dream Radar with their Hidden Abilities. Mew and all other Synchronizers introduced before the fifth generation can be obtained by transferring one from a fourth generation game via the Poké Transfer. Munna and Musharna are arguably the easiest to obtain if you lack the means to Poké Transfer, as they are found easily and their other ability (Forewarn) displays a message when they appear in battle. The CatcherNow that you have your Synchronizer, you'll need a good capturing Pokémon to complement it. A good capturing Pokémon should be able to learn a sleep move with at least 60% accuracy and False Swipe (contained in TM54, which is found in Reversal Mountain). A list of Pokémon that meet the above criteria is as follows: While Watchog does not learn False Swipe, it is the only decent catcher available during the storyline and can learn Super Fang to reduce a legendary's HP with some consistency. Breloom can be found in Pinwheel Forest's inner Hidden Grotto with its Hidden Ability Technician, but it must be bred because only Shroomish can learn Spore. A Ralts with its Hidden Ability can be obtained through a trade in the postgame or the Dream Radar, while Paras and Smeargle can be found in the Dream World. Mew must be transferred from a fourth generation game, as only the event Mew from My Pokémon Ranch can know Hypnosis. Breloom and Smeargle are arguably the best catchers, as they learn the 100% accurate Spore and can boost False Swipe's power with their Technician ability. If you are using Parasect or Breloom, make sure that they do not have Effect Spore, as it can give the legendary an unwanted status ailment. The "One Under" PokémonAn optional Pokémon that you may wish to take with you is the "one under" Pokémon. This is a Pokémon that has a Speed stat one point below the maximum of the legendary you're trying to catch. This is for the Pokémon you really need to have reach a certain Speed. It isn't the wisest choice to bring one of these along for every legendary, since the "one under" Pokémon can be a pain to get, but it will be worth it if you don't have Master Balls. The idea is to switch your Synchronizer to the "one under" (or if your Synchronizer has been fainted just start off with the "one under"), then have the latter use an attack. If the legendary goes first, switch to the capture Pokémon and continue the battle, if not, reset. This "one under" should either be at a high level or holding a Focus Sash (which can be purchased from the Battle Subway or the Pokémon World Tournament). If you are going for a defensive legendary that is not concerned about outspeeding certain threats or for a legendary you plan to use for a Trick Room team, you might wish to go for a different variation of the "one under" Pokémon that uses Endeavor. Endeavor is a move that takes the opposing Pokémon's HP down to the the Endeavor user's current HP, but it fails if the Pokémon using Endeavor has more HP than its target. This can be abused by giving your Endeavor Pokémon 1 less HP than the maximum HP of the legendary you are going for. If your "one under" Pokémon's Endeavor attack fails, you know that the legendary you are fighting does not have the amount of HP you are looking for, so you can reset without capturing it. If Endeavor takes the legendary's HP down, you know it is fine to resume trying to capture it. However, this Pokémon must also be faster than the legendary so that it does not risk taking damage, which would result in a false positive. Other Items and PokémonTake a couple of other stops; you'll want to buy a few Revival Herbs (which are essentially Max Revives) and Hyper Potions/Max Potions/Full Restores if you're far enough in the game. These are mainly for keeping your main capture Pokémon alive, as well as the remainder of your party. About 30 Super Repels are almost mandatory too (these are more cost-effective than Max Repels). Some Escape Ropes are also great to have for legendaries found at the end of long caves, such as the Regis. You should enter with a team of five Pokémon so that you can immediately check the legendary's nature and stats after catching it. Your Synchronizer should always be in the lead, and you should have a few high-leveled Pokémon. If you plan to RNG abuse your legendary, it is wise to bring along at least one Chatot with a pre-recorded Chatter to advance the PIDRNG frame if necessary. Reviving LegendariesMuch like in the fourth generation games, the legendaries in Black 2 and White 2 will respawn after defeating the Pokémon League members if you fail to capture them. The legendaries will reappear in their same locations; however, Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion will respawn at level 65, so you may want to respawn them in order to cut down on training time. Additionally, you can save in front of a legendary and soft reset or RNG to obtain the nature/IVs you desire. Tricks of the TradeBefore you go after your first legendary, keep in mind a couple tips:
Catching the LegendsNow that you have something to reference, get out a piece of paper and a pencil. Be prepared to make a tally mark every time a legendary uses a move, and put two marks if your Pokémon has the ability Pressure. This will be used to reference the amount of PP the legendaries have before Struggling, which is listed in this section. Note that if your sleep-inducing Pokémon is slower than the legendary, it will use a PP (or two with Pressure) the turn it is put to sleep; and of course it still uses PP the turn it wakes. PP is not used up while the legendary is asleep. Luckily, only Kyurem has the ability Pressure. The order in which you catch these legendaries is a matter of personal preference and availability, as most legendaries are only available obtaining the National Pokédex. That said, you should attempt the lower-leveled legendaries first and work your way up. Only Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion can be encountered prior to receiving the National Pokédex. Cobalion Cobalion and its fellow Swords of Justice are located out in the open in Black 2 and White 2. The leader of the quartet can be captured on Route 13 in a clearing before Lacunosa Town. Cobalion is at level 45 when initially encountered, but it will respawn at level 65. Unlike in Black and White, you do not have to capture Cobalion before capturing Virizion and Terrakion. Cobalion's Maximum Stats (level 45)
Cobalion's Maximum Stats (level 65):
Cobalion's Moveset (level 45)
Cobalion's Moveset (level 65)
Cobalion's impressive Defense and Steel typing mean that False Swipe will do next to nothing. If you're trying to capture it during the storyline, it can be a pain if your team is underleveled. If Cobalion is faster, Iron Head's 30% flinch rate can be a pain. Sacred Sword can hurt if you're using Smeargle or Watchog as catchers and it ignores any stat boosts your Pokémon has accumulated. Retaliate is fairly weak, and Helping Hand is useless as Cobalion is fought alone. As stated before, it can be wise to respawn Cobalion to cut down on training time. In addition, it will take longer to Struggle. Ghost-types are immune to Cobalion's only attack, so it can be wise to take one along; Spiritomb is an especially good choice, as it can utilize a Wide Lens-boosted Hypnosis to put Cobalion to sleep. If you aren't using a Ghost-type, be wary, because Cobalion can boost its Attack and deal hefty damage with Sacred Sword. Virizion Virizion is found on Route 11 right before Opelucid City. Like Cobalion, it is at level 45 when initially encountered, but it will respawn at level 65. Virizion's Maximum Stats (level 45):
Virizion's Maximum Stats (level 65):
Virizion's Moveset (level 45)
Virizion's Moveset (level 65)
Virizion is the easiest Sword of Justice to catch, as it does not resist False Swipe and has a greater Special Defense than Defense. Giga Drain can be a hindrance, as it will restore Virizion's HP and make it difficult to keep it at low HP. Sacred Sword can inflict a decent amount of damage depending on your catcher's level and type. Retaliate is fairly weak, and Helping Hand just gives you a free turn. If you respawn Virizion, Ghost-types will be unaffected by its only attack, but other Pokémon should be wary because it has two Attack-boosting moves and can overwhelm your team with repeated Sacred Swords. Terrakion Terrakion is found on Route 22 and can be encountered after Colress draws the player's attention to it. Like the other Swords of Justice, it is initially encountered at level 45, but it respawns at level 65. Terrakion's Maximum Stats (level 45)
Terrakion's Maximum Stats (level 65):
Terrakion's Moveset (level 45)
Terrakion's Moveset (level 65)
Terrakion is the offensive Sword of Justice, so expect its attacks to inflict more damage than Cobalion's or Virizion's. Rock Slide can make your Pokémon flinch if Terrakion is faster, while Sacred Sword is fairly powerful and ignores the target's stat changes. Retaliate deals some damage, but it isn't as threatening as Terrakion's STAB attacks. Helping Hand, once again, provides a free turn. Once again, Ghost-types cannot be damaged by a respawned Terrakion. Reshiram/Zekrom The version mascots of Black and White make a return in the sequels. After you complete the storyline, enter Victory Road from the northern Pokémon League entrance and follow the path until you reach a staircase south of two Veterans. Take the staircase down, then take the staircase heading right to find a Zoroark. Follow the Zoroark, and you will eventually be led to the ruins of N's Castle, where N awaits (If you are using a Japanese version, do not leave the cave before following Zoroark to the end, or Zoroark will remain frozen in front of the cave when you return). Head to the throne room on the upper floor, and N will challenge you with a level 70 dragon (Zekrom in Black 2, Reshiram in White 2). Afterwards, N will give you the Dark or Light Stone, respectively. Head to the Dragonspiral Tower north of Icirrus City, and proceed to the top floor to awaken the dragon. Zekrom's Maximum Stats
Zekrom's Moveset
Zekrom has fairly low PP for a legendary, so try to keep it asleep as often as possible. Fusion Bolt is Zekrom's strongest attack, as it has 150 Base Power after STAB and comes from a monstrous 150 base Attack. Dragon Pulse also is fairly powerful, as Zekrom also has a high base Special Attack. Fortunately, Zen Headbutt is not as powerful as Zekrom's other attacks, and Imprison will likely be a waste of a turn. Reshiram's Maximum Stats
Reshiram's Moveset
Fortunately, Reshiram has higher PP than its counterpart. All of Reshiram's special attacks come from its killer base 150 Special Attack, with Fusion Flare dealing an extraordinary amount of damage to any Pokémon that doesn't resist it. Once again, Imprison will likely be a wasted turn. After you capture the dragon, N will appear and tell you that another dragon is available. You can now capture the third member of the trio, Kyurem. Kyurem During the storyline, Ghetsis uses the DNA Splicers to transform Kyurem into one of its alternate formes (Black Kyurem in Black 2, White Kyurem in White 2) and has it battle the player. Kyurem cannot be captured during this first encounter, but it can be battled in its normal forme after Reshiram or Zekrom has been captured at Dragonspiral Tower. It will appear in the deepest chamber of the Giant Chasm's cave, so Dusk Balls will always be effective. Kyurem is encountered at level 70. If you are going to RNG Kyurem, be aware that you will need to find a Shifted Starting Frame even though there are no wandering NPCs in the cave. Kyurem's Maximum Stats
Kyurem's Moveset:
Like Zekrom, Kyurem has low PP, so you'll need to work fast before it Struggles. Scary Face and Glaciate lower the target's Speed, so Kyurem will likely outspeed your Pokémon after a few hits. Dragon Pulse is a move to watch out for, but it doesn't hit as hard as Reshiram's Fusion Flare or Zekrom's Fusion Bolt. Once more, Imprison is likely a waste of a turn. After the battle, you will receive the DNA Splicers, allowing you to fuse Kyurem with Zekrom or Reshiram to form Black Kyurem or White Kyurem, respectively, or de-fuse the dragons. Regirock Regirock is found at the bottom of Clay Tunnel in the Underground Ruins. To unlock the Regis' chamber, head to the center of the two circles on the ground. Move nine steps east and six steps south, then press the A button to uncover a hidden switch. Afterwards, a new chamber will open and you can battle Regirock. It is encountered at level 65. Regirock's Maximum Stats
Regirock's Minimum Speed:Min-: 63 / Min: 70 / Min+: 77 Regirock's Moveset:
Regirock's high base Defense, Normal-type resistance, and Iron Defense mean that False Swipe will inflict pathetic damage. Regirock only has Electric-type attacks, so a Ground-type or a Pokémon with the ability Volt Absorb, Motor Drive, or Lightningrod will be immune to Regirock's assaults. Although Regirock has a low base Special Attack, Charge Beam has a 70% chance of raising its Special Attack, while Zap Cannon always paralyzes a Pokémon if it connects. Regirock has even less PP than Zekrom and Kyurem, so time is of the essence. After you capture Regirock, Black 2 players will receive the Iron Key while White 2 players receive the Iceberg Key. The Iron Key grants access to Registeel, while the Iceberg Key grants access to Regice. These keys may be transferred using the Unova Link. Registeel Registeel is found in the Underground Ruins if the Iron Key is selected. Simply interact with it and the battle will begin. It is encountered at level 65. Registeel's Maximum Stats
Registeel's Minimum Speed:Min-: 63 / Min: 70 / Min+: 77 Registeel's Moveset:
Like Regirock, Registeel has high Defense and a resistance to False Swipe. Fortunately, its base Defense is lower than Regirock's and cannot be boosted. Once again, Pokémon with a resistance or immunity to Electric attacks won't be bothered by Registeel. While Registeel has higher PP than Regirock, it still has fairly low PP for a legendary. Regice Regice is found in the Underground Ruins if the Iceberg Key is selected. Simply interact with it and the battle will begin. It is encountered at level 65. Regice's Maximum Stats:
Regice's Minimum Speed:Min-: 63 / Min: 70 / Min+: 77 Regice's Moveset:
Regice is the easiest Regi to weaken, as it has the lowest base Defense and takes neutral damage from False Swipe. Its moveset is identical to Registeel's, so the same advice applies. Regigigas The leader of the Regis is found in the basement of Twist Mountain between three statues. If you have the other three Regis in your party, Regigigas will awaken and attack. The three Regis do not have to come from the save file, so you can trade for any missing Regis. It is encountered at level 68. Regigigas' Maximum Stats:
Regigigas' Moveset:
Due to Regigigas's Slow Start, its Attack and Speed will be halved for the first five turns. Once Regigigas finally gets it going, though, it will be ready to ravage your team with its colossal base Attack. If you try to damage Regigigas, it will make you pay with a boosted Revenge or Payback, while slower Pokémon have a chance of being flinched by Zen Headbutt. Wide Guard will be a waste of a turn, however. Latios/Latios As soon as you enter the Dreamyard, one of the Latis will appear; Latios appears in Black 2, while Latias appears in White 2. In order to catch it, you'll have to chase it down. Head through the east gate to spot the Lati, then Cut down the tree in the middle of the Dreamyard to watch the Lati fly off again. Head up the stairs, then move to the southwest of the ruins. Finally, you can head to the southeast of the ruins to find the Lati. Save your game one step before the edge of the ledge, as the Lati will immediately start the battle once you step on the ledge. Both Latis are encountered at level 68. If you are RNG abusing for the Lati, keep in mind that the wandering NPCs will affect your Shifted Starting Frame. Latios' Maximum Stats:
Latios' Moveset:
Although Latios has an amazing base Special Attack, Psychic is his only troublesome attack. He has no physical attacks to use in tandem with Dragon Dance, Psycho Shift should be a waste of a turn because you should inflict no statuses other than sleep, and Heal Pulse heals your Pokémon. Latias' Maximum Stats:
Latias' Moveset:
Latias is slightly more annoying than her brother, as she takes less damage from False Swipe due to her higher Defense and can sharply lower your Pokémon's Attack with Charm. Psychic still inflicts a respectable amount of damage, but Psycho Shift and Heal Pulse are simply a waste of Latias's time. After you capture the Lati, pick up the Soul Dew nearby. This incredible item boosts Latias and Latios's Special Attack and Special Defense by 50%. Uxie After you receive the National Pokédex, Surf on the stretch of water on Route 20 near Virbank City. Climb up a waterfall, and you will eventually reach the Cave of Being. After speaking with Professor Juniper, Sinnoh's lake guardians will appear and disperse throughout Unova. Each of the guardians can be found by standing in a specific spot in a certain location. Uxie is found in Nacrene City. Walk into the center of the circle in front of the Nacrene City Museum, and it will appear. It is encountered at level 65. If you are RNG abusing for Uxie, keep in mind that the numerous wandering NPCs will affect your Shifted Starting Frame. Uxie's Maximum Stats:
Uxie's Minimum Speed:Min-: 115 / Min: 128 / Min+: 140 Uxie's Moveset:
Due to Uxie's mediocre base Special Attack, its Psychic-type attacks don't hit too hard. However, it is capable of unleashing a 200 Base Power Flail if it is at 1 HP from False Swipe. Dark-types are immune to Uxie's STAB Psychic attacks, while the Ghost-/Dark-types Spiritomb and Sableye are completely immune to Uxie's moveset. Mesprit After you receive the National Pokédex, Surf on the stretch of water on Route 20 near Virbank City. Climb up a waterfall, and you will eventually reach the Cave of Being. After speaking with Professor Juniper, Sinnoh's lake guardians will appear and disperse throughout Unova. Each of the guardians can be found by standing in a specific spot in a certain location. Mesprit is found at the top of the Celestial Tower. When you try to enter the platform with the bell, it will appear. It is encountered at level 65. Mesprit's Maximum Stats:
Mesprit's Minimum Speed:Min-: 98 / Min: 109 / Min+: 119 Mesprit's Moveset:
Mesprit inflicts a respectable amount of damage with its Psychic-type attacks. Charm is irritating since it sharply lowers your Pokémon's Attack, reducing the damage of False Swipe. Copycat shouldn't be an issue: Mesprit won't be able to counterattack if your catcher uses a sleep-inducing move, while False Swipe will hit for pathetic damage and cannot KO your Pokémon. Dark-types are completely immune to Mesprit's moveset. Azelf After you receive the National Pokédex, Surf on the stretch of water on Route 20 near Virbank City. Climb up a waterfall, and you will eventually reach the Cave of Being. After speaking with Professor Juniper, Sinnoh's lake guardians will appear and disperse throughout Unova. Each of the guardians can be found by standing in a specific spot in a certain location. Azelf is found on Route 23 towards the north of the boulder puzzle. Head onto a small platform just above the puzzle, then step on the tile to the very north of the stairs to make Azelf appear. It is encountered at level 65. Azelf's Maximum Stats (level 65)
Azelf's Moveset:
After several Nasty Plots, Azelf is capable of ripping through your team with its boosted Psychic-type attacks. Last Resort is also a powerful attack if Azelf has used the rest of its moves at least once. Fortunately, Dark-types only have to fear Last Resort, while the Ghost-/Dark-types Spiritomb and Sableye are completely immune to Azelf's moveset. Heatran Although Bianca will search for Heatran during the storyline, it's up to you to find it during the postgame. First, you need to find the Magma Stone on Route 18 behind a Veteran who will challenge you to a Rotation Battle. Return to Reversal Mountain, and place the Magma Stone in the chamber pointed out by Bianca earlier. Heatran will drop down, ready to battle. Since Heatran is found in a cave, Dusk Balls will always be effective. It is encountered at level 68. Heatran's Maximum Stats:
Heatran's Moveset:
Heatran can sharply lower your Pokémon's Speed with Scary Face, then proceed to make it flinch with Iron Head. Fire Spin traps your Pokémon unless it's holding a Shed Shell (which shouldn't be necessary). Lava Plume deals a decent amount of damage and can burn your Pokémon. A Fire-type with Flash Fire will resist Heatran's Iron Head and be immune to its Fire-type attacks. Cresselia To obtain Cresselia, you need the Lunar Wing. The Wing is located in the top-middle room of the Strange House. After you obtain the National Pokédex, head out to Marvelous Bridge with the Lunar Wing and Cresselia will appear. She is encountered at level 68. Cresselia's Maximum Stats:
Cresselia's Moveset:
Slash and Psycho Cut have an increased critical hit ratio, but they won't inflict a ton of damage due to Cresselia's mediocre Attack. Moonlight is annoying since it keep Cresselia healthy, but fortunately it only has 5 PP. Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus Although a gentleman on Route 7 will give you Pokédex data for the kami (or "genie") trio, these Pokémon cannot be captured in-game. Instead, they must be traded from Black and White or transferred from Pokémon Dream Radar for the Nintendo 3DS in their Therian formes. These Pokémon can only be transferred once per save file, so you cannot soft reset after they are transferred. It is possible to RNG abuse the genies, but it is highly recommended that you practice Dream Radar RNG on common Pokémon beforehand because you'll only have one chance. After you transfer the genies, you can take a Landorus in its Therian Forme to the small shrine in the Abundant Shrine to receive the Reveal Glass, which allows the trio to switch between their Therian and Incarnate ("normal") formes. Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect These mythical (or event) legendaries are not available to be captured in-game and can only be obtained through events. Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect all trigger events in Black 2 and White 2. Bringing Keldeo to the Pledge Grove in Flocessy Town will trigger an event where Keldeo can learn Secret Sword and transform into its Resolute Forme. If you take Meloetta in your party to a café in Castelia City, a singer will offer to teach it the move Relic Song, which will allow Meloetta to change between its Aria Forme and Pirouette Forme when used in battle. Entering the building located at P2 Laboratory with Genesect in your party will initiate a battle with a scientist. After the battle, the scientist will give you two drives (Burn Drive and Shock Drive in Black 2; Chill Drive and Douse Drive in White 2). When you attach one of these Drives to Genesect, the type of its signature attack, Techno Blast, will change depending on the Drive: the Burn Drive will make it a Fire-type attack, the Shock Drive an Electric-type attack, the Chill Drive an Ice-type attack, and the Douse Drive a Water-type attack. |
How Do You Get to Regirock in Pokemon Black 2